Ludendorff, Mathilde: Soul of Man

Artikel-Nr.: 263

Along with the basic works "Triumph des Unsterblichkeitwillens" ("The Triumph of the Immortality-Will") and "Schöpfungsgeschichte" ("History of the Creation") the God-cognition includes further works: 

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Technische Daten

Buchtitel Soul of Man
Autor Ludendorff, Mathilde
ISBN-Nummer 9783882022872

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Along with the basic works "Triumph des Unsterblichkeitwillens" ("The Triumph of the Immortality-Will") and "Schöpfungsgeschichte" ("History of the Creation") the God-cognition includes further works: "Des Menschen Seele" ("Soul of Man") and "Selbstschöpfung" ("Self-Creation") deal with the laws of the human soul and with its levels of consciousness. With her works "Des Kindes Seele und der Eltern Amt" ("Children´s Soul and Parents´ duty"), "Die Volkseele und ihre Machtgestalter" ("The Peoples´ Soul and the Creators of its Power"), and "Das Gottlied der Völker" ("The Divine Choral of the Peoples") Mathilde Ludendorff presents a philosophy of education, of history and of the cultures. Her later works light up the divine content of man´s soul, showing his self as its good of beyondness. On the whole, the God-cognition is totally in accord with the reliable knowledge of the natural sciences, even the latest.


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